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View our Video showing and explaining Tree Joint Canker Disease


Many trees have joint canker disease which can destroy your tree's structure, and cause many other diseases .  We can solve this problem with our new innovative treatment techniques, and save your tree.
Causes, Stages, and Result of Tree Joint Canker Disease Development

1.  Rain water causes canker in the joint.

2.  Wind and ice keep the canker from healing.

3.  Insects, especially borers and canker worms, make this situation worse.
4.  On the bark, mould and fungus occur.
5.  Weakness results and the tree's immune system declines.

6.  Sap flow to the foliage diminishes.

7.  Leaves become too small, and curly.

8.  The tree's photosynthesis process will diminish.

9.  The tree is now barely surviving.



Our New, Innovative Tree Joint Canker Disease Treatment Techniques, resulting from over 20 years Experience, can Solve this Problem.  We guarantee our work!

Please contact Moe for further information at 613-424-8847.
Joint Canker Disease Shown and Explained here
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